Zidani Most( = Stone Bridge = , JN76OC ,pop. under
1000 )is small town not far from the centre of Slo-venia. It is known
as important railway crossing. There were three bridges built over
the Savinja river, two of them for railway and the third for road
traffic. Last one, the oldest is made of stone and town was named by
1995, a few radioamateurs who were resident
in nearby radioclubs (RC) decided to form RC of their own - RC "Zidani
Most". In next three years number of members climbed to over
All RC in Slovenia are members of national organi-zation of
radioamateurs ZRS. When formed RC Zidani Most became exactly 100th
member of ZRS so number 1 was given as a part of callsign (instead of
num-ber 9 which is common for S5 RC calls).
number of members RC is 41. They don't all live in Zidani Most and
as it seems to be in all RCs - not all of them are
RC's callsign is heard mostly on VHF and is regu-lary
present in S5 Maraton contest, Pokupje, etc. Members of S51DZI can be
heard also in S5 U/VHF, IARU VHF, Alpe Adria, etc.Operaters who passed at
least Class II. (CEPT:2) are also active in HF area.
A beautiful
cottage was built in Sirje, just by members of RC. Should become a centre
of radio-activity when finished(See FOTO).